IBM Books

8371 Interface Configuration

Configuring and Monitoring Bridging

This chapter describes how to configure the adaptive source routing transparent (ASRT) bridge protocol and how to use the ASRT configuration commands. The chapter includes the following sections:

Accessing the ASRT Configuration Environment

To access the ASRT configuration environment, enter the protocol asrt command at the Config> prompt:

        Config>protocol asrt
        Adaptive Source Routing Transparent Bridge user configuration
        ASRT config>

ASRT Configuration Commands

The ASRT configuration commands allow you to specify network parameters for the ASRT bridge and its network interfaces. These commands also allow you to enable and configure the ATM interface features, and NetBIOS.

The device must be restarted for the new configuration to take effect.
Note:The ASRT configuration commands are not effective immediately. They remain pending until you reload the device.

Enter the ASRT configuration commands at the ASRT config> prompt. Access the commands as follows:

Table 52 shows the ASRT configuration commands.

Table 52. ASRT Configuration Command Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds station address entries to the permanent database. 
 Delete   Deletes station address entries. 
 Disable   Disables the following functions: 
  • Bridging
  • Propagation of Spanning Tree Explorer Frames
  • Transparent (spanning tree) bridging function on a given port
 Enable   Enables the following functions: 
  • Bridging
  • Propagation of Spanning Tree Explorer Frames
  • Transparent (spanning tree) bridging function on a given port
 List   Displays information about the complete bridge configuration or about selected configuration parameters. 
 Set   Sets the following parameters: 
  • Aging time for dynamic address entries
  • Bridge address
  • Maximum frame size
  • Spanning tree protocol bridge and port parameters
  • Filtering database size
  • Ethernet Preference
vlans Allows the user to configure dynamic protocol filtering
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

Response to ASRT Configuration Commands

The ASRT configuration (Talk 6) commands are not effective immediately. They remain pending until you issue the reload command.


Use the add command to add the following information to your bridging configuration:


address . . .

port . . .

address addr-value
Adds unique station address entries to the permanent database. These entries are copied into the filtering database as permanent entries when the bridge is restarted. The addr-value is the MAC address of the desired entry. It can be an individual address, multicast address, or broadcast address. You are also given the option to specify the outgoing forwarding port map for each incoming port. Permanent database entries are not destroyed by the power off/on process and are immune to the aging settings. Permanent entries cannot be replaced by dynamic entries.

Valid Values: X'0000 0000 0000' to X'FFFF FFFF FFFF'

Default Value: none

The following sections present specific examples of how the add address command is used to manage address entries:

Adding an address

add address
Address (in 12-digit hex) []? 123456789013
    Exclude destination address from all ports?(Yes or [No]):
    Use same output port mapping for all input Ports?(Yes or [No]):
    Output port mapping:
       Input Port Number [1]?
       Bridge to all ports?(Yes or [No]):
       Bridge to  port 1  Yes or [No]:
       Bridge to  port 2  Yes or [No]:
       Bridge to  port 3  Yes or [No]:
       Bridge to  port 4  Yes or [No]:
       Bridge to  port 5  Yes or [No]:
       continue to another input port? (Yes or [No]): y
       Input Port Number [2]? 3
       Bridge to all ports?(Yes or [No]): y
       continue to another input port? (Yes or [No]): y
       Input Port Number [4]?
       Bridge to all ports?(Yes or [No]):
       Bridge to  port 1  Yes or [No]:
       Bridge to  port 2  Yes or [No]:
       Bridge to  port 3  Yes or [No]:
       Bridge to  port 4  Yes or [No]:
       Bridge to  port 5  Yes or [No]:
       continue to another input port? (Yes or [No]): n
    Source Address Filtering Applies? (Yes or No): y
    ASRT config>
Note:For any "Yes or No" question in the prompts, "No" is the default value. Press Return to accept the default value.

Exclude destination address ...
This prompt lets you set destination address filtering for that entry. Answering yes to the prompt causes filtering of any frames that contain this address as a destination address no matter which port it came from.

Use same output mapping...
Answering yes to this prompt lets you create one outgoing port map for all incoming ports rather than allowing for mapping to only specific ports. Answering no to this prompt causes further prompting (Input Port Number [1]?) to select each input port. From that specific input port prompt you can then create a unique port map for that input port.

Input Port 1, Port 2
Answering "No" to the previous prompt causes input port-by-input port prompting (Input Port Number [1]?) to select each input port and its associated outgoing bridge ports.

Bridge to all ports?
Answering yes to this prompt creates an outgoing port map that includes all ports. Thus, when a frame with this address as the destination address is received, it is forwarded to all outgoing forwarding ports except for the incoming port. The following are examples of how this is done according to the port map:

If a frame is received on port 1 and the port map indicates 1 (for port 1), the frame is filtered.

If the same frame is received on port 2 and the port map indicates 1 (for port 1), the frame is forwarded to port 1. If a frame is received on port 1 and the matching address entry's port map indicates 1, 2, or 3, the frame is forwarded to ports 2 and 3.

If the port map indicates no port (NONE/DAF), the frame is filtered. This is known as destination address filtering (DAF).

If no address entry is found to match the received frame, it is forwarded to all the forwarding ports except for the source port.

Bridge to Port 1, Port 2, etc.
This prompt lets you associate an address entry with that specific bridge port. Answering yes maps the address to the specified port so that the port is included in that address entry's port map. Answering no skips address mapping for that port.

continue to another bridge port?
This prompt lets you select the next input port to be configured.

Source address filtering
This allows for port-specific source address filtering (SAF). When SAF is applied (answer yes at the prompt), frames received with source addresses that match address entries in the filtering database that have source address filtering enabled will be discarded. This mechanism allows a network manager to isolate an end station by prohibiting its traffic to be bridged.

Enabling Destination Address Filtering For Entry

This example shows how to answer the command prompts to select destination address filtering for an entry:

    ASRT config>add address 000000334455
    Exclude destination address from all ports?(Yes or [No]): y
    Source Address Filtering Applies? (Yes or [No]): y
    ASRT config>

After adding the address entry, you can verify its status by using the list range command. The following example shows that no port map exists for that entry (in bold) and that destination address filtering (DAF) has been turned on.

    ASRT config>list range
    Start-Index [1]?
    Stop-index [3]?
    ADDRESS                 ENTRY TYPE      PORT MAP
    =======                 ==========      ========
    01-80-C2-00-00-00       REGISTERED      Input Port:  ALL PORTS
                                            Output ports:
    00-00-00-22-33-44       PERMANENT       Input Port:  3
                                            Output ports: 1, 2
                                            Input Port:  4
                                            Output ports:  1, 2
    00 00 00 33 44 55       PERMANENT       NONE/DAF

Output Port Map Created For Address Entry Having More Than One Input Port

This example shows how to answer the command prompts to create separate output port maps for an address entry that will have more than one input port.

    ASRT config> add address 000000123456
    Exclude destination address from all ports?(Yes or [No]):
    Use same output port mapping for all input Ports?(Yes or [No]):
    Input Port Number [1]? 1
    Bridge to all ports ?(Yes or [No]):
    Bridge to port 1 - Yes or [No]: y
    Bridge to port 2 - Yes or [No]: y
    Bridge to port 3 - Yes or [No]:
    continue to another input port ? (Yes or [No]): y
    Input Port Number [2]?
    Bridge to all Ports?(Yes or [No]):
    Bridge to Port 1 - Yes or [No]:
    Bridge to port 2 - Yes or [No]:
    Bridge to port 3 - Yes or [No]: y
    continue to another input port ? (Yes or [No]):
    Source Address Filtering Applies? (Yes or [No]):
    ASRT config>

After adding the address entry, you can verify its status by using the list range command. The following example shows an entry (in bold) that has ports 1 and 2 as input ports and has separate port maps for both input ports. Source address filtering (SAF) has also been enabled.

    ASRT config> list range
    Start-Index [1]?
    Stop-index [3]?
    ADDRESS                 ENTRY TYPE      PORT MAP
    =======                 ==========      ========
    01-80-C2-00-00-00       REGISTERED      Input Port:  ALL PORTS
                                            Output ports:
    01-80-C2-00-00-01       RESERVED        NONE/DAF
    00-00-00-12-34-56       PERM/SAF        Input Port:  1
                                                 Output ports: 1, 2
                                                 Input Port:  2
                                                 Output ports: 3

Single Output Port Map Created All Incoming Ports Associated With Address Entry

This example shows how to answer the command prompts to create a single output port map for all incoming ports associated with an address entry.

    ASRT config> add address 000000556677
    Exclude destination address from all ports?(Yes or [No]):
    Use same output port mapping for all input Ports?(Yes or [No]): y
       Bridge to all ports?(Yes or [No]): n
       Bridge to  port 1 - Yes or [No]: y
       Bridge to  port 2 - Yes or [No]: y
       Bridge to  port 3 - Yes or [No]:
    Source Address Filtering Applies? (Yes or [No]): y
    ASRT config>

After adding the address entry, you can verify its status by using the list range command. The example below shows an entry (in bold) that has a single port map for all incoming ports. Source address filtering (SAF) has also been enabled.

    ASRT config> list range
    Start-Index [1]?
    Stop-index [3]?
    ADDRESS                 ENTRY TYPE      PORT MAP
    =======                 ==========      ========
    01-80-C2-00-00-00       REGISTERED      Input Port:  ALL PORTS
                                            Output ports:
    01-80-C2-00-00-01       RESERVED        NONE/DAF
    00-00-00-55-66-77       PERM/SAF        Input Port:  ALL PORTS
                                            Output ports:  1, 2


port interface# port#
Adds a LAN port to the bridging configuration. This command associates a port number with the interface number and enables that port's participation in transparent bridging.

Port Number Valid Values: 1 to 254

Port Number Default Value: none

Example: add a port
ASRT config> add port
Interface Number [0]?
Port Number [5]?


Use the delete command to delete the following information from your bridging configuration:



port . . .

address addr-value
Deletes an address entry from the permanent database. The address is the MAC address of the desired entry. Enter the addr-value (in 12-digit hexadecimal format) of the entry to be deleted and press Return. Reserved multicast addresses cannot be deleted. If you attempt to delete an address entry that does not exist, you will receive the message
Record matching that address not found

Valid Values: X'0000 0000 0000' to X'FFFF FFFF FFFF'

Default Value: none

Example: delete address

port port#
Removes a port from a bridging configuration. Because the enable bridge command by default configures all LAN devices to participate in bridging, this command allows you to customize which devices should or should not participate in the bridging. The port number value normally is one greater than the interface number.

Example: delete port 2


Use the disable command to disable the following bridge functions:




transparent . . .


Disables bridging function entirely. This command does not remove previously configured bridging values, however.

Example: disable bridge

Disables the Spanning Tree Protocol on the bridge. The default is enabled.

Example: disable stp

transparent port#
Disables transparent bridging function on the given port.

Example: disable transparent 2

tree port#
Disables STP participation for the bridge on a per-port basis.

Example: disable tree 1
Note:Disabling STP on a per-port basis can produce network loops because of the existence of parallel bridges.


Use the enable command to enable the following bridging functions:


bridge . . .


transparent . . .


Enables transparent bridging function on all the LAN devices (interfaces) configured in the bridging device. The port numbers are assigned to each interface as the previous interface number plus 1. For example, if interface 0 is a LAN device its port number will be 1.

Example: enable bridge

Enables the spanning tree protocol on the bridge. This is the default.

Example: enable stp

transparent port#
Enables transparent bridging function on the given port. Under normal circumstances, this command is not necessary.

Example: enable transparent

Port Number [1]?

tree port#
Enables STP participation for the bridge on a per-port basis.

Example: enable tree 1


Use the list command to display information about the complete bridge configuration or to display information about selected configuration parameters.




filtering . . .

permanent . . .

port . . .


range . . .

address addr value
Reads an address entry from the permanent database. The addr value is the MAC address of the required entry. It can be an individual address, multicast address, or broadcast address. Permanent databases are not destroyed by the power off/on process and are immune to the aging settings. Permanent entries cannot be replaced by dynamic entries.

Valid Values: X'0000 0000 0000' to X'FFFF FFFF FFFF'

Default Value: none

Example: list address 000000123456

             0000-00-12-34-56    PERMANENT  Input Port:  1
                                            Output ports:  1, 2
                                            Input port:  2
                                            Output ports:  3
             ASRT config>

Address entry in 12-digit hexadecimal format.

Entry Type

Indicates that the entry is permanent in nature and will survive power on/offs or system resets.

Indicates that the entry is reserved by the IEEE 802.1d committee for future use. Frames destined to reserved addresses are discarded.

Indicates that the entry is meant for the bridge itself.

Appears after the entry type if source address filtering has been configured.

Input Port
Displays the numbers of the input port or ports associated with that address entry.

Output Port
Displays the numbers of the output port or ports associated with that address entry. Displays "NONE/DAF" to indicate that destination address filtering applies because no ports have been selected to be associated with that address entry.

Lists all general information regarding the bridge.

filtering datagroup-option
The following general data groups can be displayed under the list filtering command:

Displays all filtering database entries.

Displays Ethernet protocol type filter database entries.

Displays SAP protocol filter database entries.

Displays SNAP protocol identifier filter database entries.

The following examples illustrate each of the list filtering display options.

Example 1: list filtering all

     Ethernet type 0800 is routed on ports 1
     IEEE 802.2 destination SAP 42 is routed on ports 1
     IEEE 802 SNAP PID 00-00-00-08-00 is routed on ports 2-3

Descriptors used in explaining how packets are communicated include:

Describes packets passed to routing forwarder to be forwarded.

Describes packets that are administratively filtered setting protocol filters that you set.

Bridged and routed
This describes a protocol identifier for which there is a protocol entity within the system that is not a forwarder. For example a link level echo protocol. Unicast packets from this protocol are bridged or locally processed if being sent to a registered address. Multicast packets are forwarded and locally processed for a registered multicast address.

All of these descriptors also apply to ARP packets with this Ethertype.

Example 2:
list filtering ethertype
Ethernet type (in hexadecimal), 0 for all [0]? 0800
Ethernet type 0800 is routed on ports 1

Example 3:
list filtering sap
SAP (in hexadecimal), 100 for all [100]? 42
IEEE 802.2 destination SAP 42 is routed on ports 1

Example 4:
list filtering snap
SNAP Protocol ID, return for all [00-00-00-00-00]?
IEEE 802 SNAP PID 00-00-00-08-00 is routed on ports 2-3

mapping add-type type-field
Lists specific address mapping for a given protocol.

Example: list mapping SNAP

            =============           =============           ==================
            123456-7890             12-34-56-78-90-12       12:34:56:78:90:12

Choice of either DSAP, Ether (Ethernet), or SNAP.

Protocol type field:
  • Destination Service Access Point (DSAP) protocol type is entered in the range 1-FE (hexadecimal).
  • Ethernet (Ether) protocol type is entered in the range of 5DD-FFFF (hexadecimal).
  • Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) protocol type is entered in 10-digit hexadecimal format.

Displays the number of entries in the bridge's permanent database.

Example: list permanent

            Number of Entries in Permanent Database:  17

port port#
Displays port information related to ports that are already configured. Port# selects the port you want to list. Specifying no number selects all ports.

Example: list port

Port ID (dec)    : 128: 2, (hex): 80-02
Port State       : Enabled
STP Participation: Enabled
Port Supports    : Transparent Bridging Only
Path Cost        : 0

Port ID
The ID consists of two parts: the port priority and the port number. In the example, 128 is the priority, and 1, 2, and 3 are the port numbers. In hexadecimal format, the low-order byte denotes the port number and the high-order byte denotes the priority.

Port state
Displays current state of the specified port or ports. This can be either ENABLED or DISABLED.

Port supports
Displays bridging method supported by that port (for example, transparent bridging).

Path Cost
Cost associated with the port which is used for possible root path cost. The range is 1 to 65535.

Displays bridge information related to the spanning tree protocol.
Note:Each of these bridge-related parameters is also described in detail in the previous chapter.

Bridge Identifier
8-byte value in ASCII format. If you did not set the bridge address prior to displaying this information, the low order 6 bytes will be displayed as zero, denoting that the default MAC address of a port is being used. When a bridge has been selected as the root bridge, the bridge max age and bridge hello time are transmitted by it to all the bridges in the network via the HELLO BPDUs.

Maximum age (period of time) that should be used to time out spanning tree protocol-related information.

Time interval between HELLO BPDUs.

Time interval used before changing to another state (should this bridge become the root).

range start-index stop-index
Reads a range of address entries from the permanent database. To specify this, first determine the size of the database by using the list permanent command. From this value you can then determine a "start index" value for your entry range. The start index is in the range from 1 to the size of the database. You can then choose a "stop index" for displaying a limited number of entries. This input is optional. If you do not specify the stop index, the default value is the size of the database.

Address entries contain the following information:

Example: list range

       Start-Index [1]? 1
       Stop-index [17]? 6
       ADDRESS                 ENTRY TYPE      PORT MAP
       =======                 ==========      ========
       01-80-C2-00-00-00       REGISTERED      Input Port:  ALL PORTS
                                               Output ports:
       01-80-C2-00-00-01       RESERVED        NONE/DAF
       01-80-C2-00-00-02       RESERVED        NONE/DAF
       01-80-C2-00-00-03       RESERVED        NONE/DAF
       01-80-C2-00-00-04       RESERVED        NONE/DAF
       01-80-C2-00-00-05       RESERVED        NONE/DAF

6-byte MAC address of the entry.

Type of Entry
Specifies one of the following types:
  • Reserved - entries reserved by the IEEE 802.1d committee
  • Registered - entries consist of unicast addresses belonging to proprietary communications hardware attached to the box or multicast addresses enabled by protocol forwarders
  • Permanent - entries entered by the user in the configuration process which survive power on/offs or system resets
  • Static - entries entered by the user in the monitoring process that do not survive power on/offs or system resets and are ageless
  • Dynamic - entries "learned" by the bridge "dynamically" that do not survive power on/offs or system resets and that have an "age" associated with the entry
  • Free - locations in database that are free to be filled by address entries

Port Map
Displays outgoing port map for all incoming ports.


Use the set command to set certain values, functions, and parameters associated with the bridge configuration. These include:






protocol bridge

protocol port . . .

age seconds resolution
Sets the time for aging out dynamic entries in the filtering database when the port with the entry is in the forwarding state. This age is also used for aging RIF entries in the adaptive database in the case of an SR-TB bridge personality.

Enter the required value after each prompt and press Return.

Aging Time Valid Values: 10 to 1000000

Aging Time Default Value: 30

The resolution value specifies how often dynamic entries in the filtering database should be scanned to determine if they have exceeded their age limit as set by the aging timer.

Resolution Valid Values: 1 to 60 seconds

Resolution Default Value: 5 seconds

Example: set age

            seconds [300]  ?  400
            resolution [5] ?  6

bridge bridge-address
Sets the bridge address. This is the low-order 6-octet bridge address found in the bridge identifier. By default, the bridge-addr-value is set to the medium access control (MAC) address of the lowest-numbered port at initialization time. You can use this command to override default address and enter your own unique address.

Enter tb to specify that the transparent bridge (tb) bridge address is to be affected.
Note:Each bridge in the network must have a unique address for the spanning tree protocol to operate correctly.
Attention:In cases where a serial line interface is the lowest numbered port, it is mandatory to use this command so that the bridge will have a unique address when restarted. This process is necessary because serial lines do not have their own MAC address.

At the prompt, enter the bridge address in 12-digit hexadecimal format and press Return.

If you enter the address in the wrong format you will receive the message Illegal Address. If you enter no address at the prompt you will receive the message Zero length address supplied and the bridge will maintain its previous value. To return the bridge address to the default value, enter an address of all zeros.

Valid Values: 12 hexadecimal digits

Do not use dashes or colons to separate each octet. Each bridge in the network must have a unique address for the spanning tree protocol to operate correctly.

Default Value: 000000000000

Example: set bridge

            Bridge Address (in 12-digit hex)[]?

filtering database-size
Sets the number of entries that can be held in the bridge filtering database.

Default Value: 1024 times the number of bridge ports.

For more information, see the list filtering command on page ***.

Example: set filtering

            database-size [2048]?

port block or disable
Begins the port's participation in the spanning tree protocol. This is done by entering a status value of "block." This places the port in the "blocked" status as a starting point. The actual state of the port will later be determined by the spanning tree protocol as it determines its topology. Entering a status value of "disable" removes the port from participating in the spanning tree.

Example: set port block

            Port Number [1]?

protocol bridge or port
Modifies the spanning tree protocol bridge or port parameters for a new configuration, or tunes the configuration parameters to suit a specific topology.

Enter "bridge" as the option to modify bridge parameters. The bridge-related parameters that can be modified with this command are described below.

When setting these values, make sure that the following relationships exist between the parameters or the input will be rejected:
2 X (Bridge Forward Delay - 1 second) >= Bridge Maximum Age
Bridge Maximum Age >= 2 X (Bridge Hello Time + 1 second)

Example: set protocol bridge tb

            Bridge Max-Age [20]  25
            Bridge Hello Time [2]   3
            Bridge Forward Delay [15] 20
            Bridge Priority [32768]    1

Bridge Maximum Age
Maximum age (period of time) that should be used to time out spanning tree protocol-related information.

When this bridging device is selected as the root bridge in a spanning tree, the value of this parameter specifies how long other active bridges are to store the configuration bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) they receive. When a BPDU reaches its maximum age limit without being replaced, the active bridges in the network discard it and assume that the root bridge has failed. A new root bridge is then selected.


The setting of this parameter may be affected by the setting of the Bridge Hello Time parameter. In addition, the setting of this parameter may affect the setting of the Bridge Forward Delay parameter.

Valid Values: 6 to 40 seconds

Default Value: 20 seconds

Bridge Hello Timer
Time interval between HELLO BPDUs.

When this bridging device is selected as the root bridge in a spanning tree, this parameter specifies how often this bridge transmits configuration bridge protocol data units (BPDUs). BPDUs contain information about the topology of the spanning tree and reflect changes to the topology.


The setting of this parameter may affect the setting of the Max age parameter.

Valid Values: 1 to 10 seconds

Default Value: 2

Bridge Forward Delay
Time interval used before changing to another state (should this bridge become the root).

When this bridging device is selected as the root bridge in a spanning tree, the value of this parameter specifies how long active ports in all bridges remain in a listening state. When the forward delay time expires, ports in the listening state go into the forwarding state. State changes occur as a result of changes in the topology of the spanning tree, such as when an active bridge fails or is shut down.

The root bridge conveys this value to all bridges. This process ensures that all bridges are consistent between changes.

Valid Values: 4 to 30 seconds

Default Value: 15

Bridge Priority
A high-order 2-octet bridge address found in the Bridge Identifier - either the MAC address obtained from the lowest-numbered port or the address set by the Set Bridge command.

The bridge priority indicates the chances that this bridge will become the root bridge of the spanning tree. The lower the numerical value of the bridge priority parameter, the higher the priority of the bridge and the more likely it is to be chosen. The spanning tree algorithm chooses the bridge with the lowest numerical value of this parameter to be the root bridge.

Valid Values: 0 to 65535

Default Value: 32768

Enter port as the option to modify the spanning tree protocol port parameters. Enter the desired value at each prompt and press Return.

Example: set protocol port

            Port Number [1] ?
            Port Path-Cost (O for default) [0] ?   1
            Port Priority [128] ?   1

Port Number
Bridge port number; selects the port for which the path cost and port priority will be changed.

Path Cost
Cost associated with the port, which is used for possible root path cost.

Each port interface has an associated path cost, which is the relative value of using the port to reach the root bridge in a bridged network. The spanning tree algorithm uses the path cost to compute a path that minimizes the cost from the root bridge to all other bridges in the network topology.

This parameter specifies the cost associated with passing frames through this port interface, should this bridging device become the root bridge. Factor this value in when determining spanning tree routes between any two stations. A value of 0 instructs the bridging device to automatically calculate a path cost for this port using its own formula.

Valid Values: 1 to 65535

Default Value: 0 (means the cost will be calculated automatically)

Port Priority
Identifies port priority for the specified port. This is used by the spanning tree algorithm in making comparisons for port selection (which port offers the lowest cost path to the root bridge) and blocking decisions.

Valid Values: 0 to 255

Default Value: 128


Use the vlans command to access the VLAN configuration prompt. VLAN configuration commands are entered at this prompt. See "Dynamic Protocol Filtering (VLANS) Configuration Commands" for an explanation of each of these commands.



Dynamic Protocol Filtering (VLANS) Configuration Commands

This section explains all of the VLAN configuration commands. These commands let you configure protocol and IP multicast VLANs.

See "Dynamic Protocol Filtering VLANs" for additional information about VLANs.

Configuration commands for the ASRT bridge are entered at the ASRT VLAN config> prompt. This prompt is accessed by entering the vlans command at the ASRT config> prompt. The following table shows the VLAN filtering configuration commands.

Table 53. VLAN Configuration Command Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds the definition of a new VLAN filter 
 Change   Changes VLAN filtering parameters for an indicated VLAN 
 Delete   Deletes the selected VLAN filters 
 Disable   Disables VLAN filtering on the selected VLANs 
 Enable   Enables VLAN filtering on the selected VLANs 
 List   Displays all information associated with the selected VLAN filters 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the Add command to define a new VLAN filter. See "Required Static Configurations" for additional information.







Example 1: add ip

            IP Address []?
            Subnet Mask []?
            Configure this VLAN on Specific Ports? [No]:
            Age (expiration in minutes,0=infinity) [10000]? 0
            Enable IP-Cut-Through from this VLAN? [Yes]:
            Enable IP-Cut-Through to this VLAN? [Yes]:
            Track Active MAC Addresses on this VLAN? [No]:
            Enable This Filter? [Yes]:
            VLAN Name (32 chars max) []? IP 9.x.x.x
            VLAN 'IP 9.x.x.x' (IP subnet successfully added

If some ports should not be configured as Auto-Detect and Include, then the port can be manually configured.

Example 2: add ip-multicast

            IP Multicast Address []?
            Configure Specific Ports? [No]:
            Age (expiration in minutes,0=infinity) [10]? 0
            Track Active MAC Addresses on this VLAN? [No]:
            Enable This Filter? [Yes]:
            VLAN Name (32 chars max) []? IPmcast01
            VLAN 'IPmcast01' (IP Multicast successfully added

Example 3: add ipx

            Network Number (in 8-digit hex) (1 - FFFFFFFE) [1]? 2FF
            Configure this VLAN on Specific Ports? [No] y
            Configure VLAN on port 1 (Include, Exclude, or Auto-Detect) [A]?
            Configure VLAN on port 2 (Include, Exclude, or Auto-Detect) [A]? e
            Age (expiration in minutes,0=infinity) [5000]?
            Track Active MAC Addresses on this VLAN? [No]:
            Enable This Filter? [Yes]:
            VLAN Name (32 chars max) []? IPX 2FF
            VLAN 'IPX 2FF' (IPX network 0x2FF) successfully added

A description of each parameter follows:

IP Address
This prompt allows you to enter the IP address of the IP subnet whose traffic will be dynamically filtered to create this VLAN. This value, after the subnet mask is applied, is what will be saved and referenced in other VLAN commands.

Subnet Mask
This is the subnet mask that will be applied to the input IP Address to create the IP subnet value used to detect traffic for this VLAN.

IP Multicast address
This is the IP group address whose multicast traffic will be filtered to create this VLAN.
Note:A VLAN for (the all IP hosts address) is created during initialization and is used to configure IP multicast VLANs that are auto-created when an IGMP report frame is detected and the VLAN is enabled. See "Auto-created IP Multicast VLANs" for additional information about auto-created IP multicast VLANs.

Valid Values: -

Default Value: none

Network Number
This prompt allows you to enter the IPX network ID number whose traffic will be dynamically filtered to create this VLAN.

Sliding Window Filter Base
Determines whether the base for the offset is the first byte of the destination MAC address or the first byte of the frame's information field.

Valid Values: mac or info

Default Value: mac

Sliding Window Filter Offset
Sets the byte offset into the frame where the comparison with the mask and value begins.

Valid Values: 0 - 255

Default Value: 0

Sliding Window Filter Value
The value used for comparing the sliding window filter.

A frame "matches" a sliding window filter if the octet pattern (whose start is determined by the Sliding Window Filter Base and Sliding Window Filter Offset) ANDED with the Sliding Window Filter Mask equals this Sliding Window Filter Value ANDED with the Sliding Window Filter Mask.

Valid Values: Any octet string of length 1 - 32

Default Value: None

Sliding Window Filter Mask
The mask used for comparing the sliding window filter.

Valid Values: Any octet string of length 1 - 32

Default Value: None


Answering "No" to this prompt causes all bridge ports to be set to the default value of Auto-Detect and Include. Answering yes to this prompt causes further prompting to select the desired port inclusion mode for each bridge port.

The modes are:

The amount of time, in minutes, that an Auto-Detect port will remain in the forwarding state in the absence of traffic received from that port for this VLAN. Entering a value of zero means that ports auto-detected will never expire and be removed from the forwarding domain.

If MAC address tracking is enabled for a VLAN, the aging time also determines when a MAC address is no longer considered a member of the VLAN in the absence of traffic received from that MAC address.

Valid Values: 0 to 4 294 967 295

Default Value

IP subnet
10 000 minutes

IP multicast
10 minutes

IPX Network
10 minutes

5 000 minutes

Sliding Window
5000 minutes

Enable IP-Cut-Through Transmission Status
Answering yes will allow forwarding of IP traffic from devices on this VLAN to devices on other VLANs that have IP-Cut-Through reception enabled. See "IP-Cut_Through Considerations" for additional information.

Enable IP-Cut-Through Reception Status
Answering yes will allow IP traffic to be forwarded to devices on this VLAN from devices on other VLANs that have IP-Cut-Through transmission enabled. See "IP-Cut_Through Considerations" for additional information.

Track Active MAC Addresses
Answering yes causes source MAC addresses from transmissions on this VLAN to be saved. These learned addresses can be displayed with the show-members command. Learned addresses will be aged out with the aging timer for this VLAN.

VLAN Filter Status
Answering yes will enable dynamic filtering for this VLAN. Answering "No" means that no filtering will be done on traffic from members of this VLAN.

This prompt lets you define a name for this VLAN that can be used with all VLAN commands. A VLAN name is required for MAC address, port-based, and sliding window VLANs.

This name must be unique among all VLANs of all types within the ASRT bridge. This name consists of up to 32 characters and can include spaces.


Use the change command to change the configuration parameters associated with a particular VLAN. The VLAN to change can be chosen by explicitly specifying the subnet or by selecting the VLAN from a list with the by-name option. This command invokes the same prompts used with the add command. The current parameter values will be displayed as the default and can be maintained by simply pressing Return.



ip  subnet address


ipx network number



Example: change ip

            IP Address []?
            Configure Specific Ports? [No]:
            Age (expiration in minutes,0=infinity) [0]? 300
            Enable IP-Cut-Through from this VLAN? [Yes]:
            Enable IP-Cut-Through to this VLAN? [Yes]:
            Track Active MAC Addresses on this VLAN? [No]:
            Enable This Filter? [Yes]:
            VLAN Name (32 chars max) [IP 9.x.x.x]?
            VLAN 'IP 9.x.x.x' (IP subnet successfully changed


Use the delete command to delete a particular VLAN filter, all VLAN filters of a particular type, or all defined VLAN filters. If you are deleting a single filter, you can choose the VLAN to be deleted by selecting the VLAN from a list using the by-name option.



ip all

ip subnet subnet address

ip-multicast all

ip-multicast by-name

ipx all

ipx network network-number


sliding-window all

sliding-window by-name


Example 1: del ip subnet

           VLAN 'IP 9.x.x.x' (IP subnet deleted

Example 2: del ipx all

           Are you sure you want to delete ALL IPX VLANS? [No]: y
           All IPX VLANS deleted


Use the disable command to disable a particular VLAN filter, all VLAN filters of a particular type, or all defined VLAN filters. If disabling a single filter, the VLAN to be disabled can be chosen by selecting the VLAN from a list using the by-name option.



ip all

ip subnet subnet-address

ip-multicast all

ip-multicast by-name

ipx all

ipx network network-number


sliding-window all

sliding-window by-name


Example: disable ip subnet

           VLAN 'Building #4' (IP subnet now disabled


Use the enable command to enable a particular VLAN filter, all VLAN filters of a particular type, or all defined VLAN filters. If you are enabling a single filter, you can choose the VLAN to be enabled by selecting the VLAN from a list using the by-name option.



ip all

ip subnet subnet-address

ip-multicast all

ip-multicast by-name

ipx all

ipx network network-number


sliding-window all

sliding-window by-name


Example: enable by-name

        Choice of VLAN:
              VLAN type    Identifier         VLAN Name
              =========    ==========         =========
          (1) IP             IP 9.x.x.x
          (2) IP           Building #4
          (3) IPX          0x2FF              Ethernet A
          (4) IPX          0x3FF              Ethernet B
       Enter Selection [1]? 3
       VLAN 'Ethernet A' (IPX Network 0x2FF) now enabled


Use the list command to list the configuration information about a particular VLAN filter, all VLAN filters of a particular type, or all defined VLAN filters. If you are listing a single filter, you can choose the VLAN to be listed can be chosen by selecting the VLAN from a list using the by-name option.



ip all

ip subnet subnet-address

ip-multicast all

ip-multicast by-name

ipx all

ipx network network-number


sliding-window all

sliding-window by-name


Example 1: list ip subnet

          Subnet Address              =
          Subnet Mask                 =
          Bridge Port 1 (Interface 0) = Auto-Detect and Include
          Bridge Port 2 (Interface 1) = Always Exclude
          Age (expiration in minutes) = 300
          IP-Cut-Through Status:
             Transmit From This VLAN  = Enabled
             Reception By This VLAN   = Enabled
          Tracking of MAC Addresses   = Disabled
          VLAN Filter State           = Enabled
          VLAN Name                   = IP 9.x.x.x

Example 2: list ipx all

          ----------- IPX VLANS -------------------------------
          IPX Network Number          = 0x2FF
          Bridge Port 1 (Interface 0) = Auto-Detect and Include
          Bridge Port 2 (Interface 1) = Always Exclude
          Age (expiration in minutes) = Never Expires
                    Tracking of MAC Addresses   = Disabled
          VLAN Filter State           = Enabled
          VLAN Name                   = Ethernet A
          IPX Network Number          = 0x3FF
          Bridge Port 1 (Interface 0) = Auto-Detect and Include
          Bridge Port 2 (Interface 1) = Auto-Detect and Include
          Age (expiration in minutes) = 5000
          IP-Cut-Through Status:
             Transmit From This VLAN  = Enabled
             Reception By This VLAN   = Enabled
          Tracking of MAC Addresses   = Disabled
          VLAN Filter State           = Disabled
          VLAN Name                   = Ethernet B

Accessing the ASRT Monitoring Environment

To access the ASRT monitoring environment, enter the protocol asrt command at the + (GWCON) prompt:

          +protocol asrt

ASRT Monitoring Commands

This section describes the ASRT monitoring commands. These commands allow you to view and modify parameters from the active monitoring. Information you modify with the monitoring commands is reset to the SRAM configuration when you restart the bridging device.

You can use these commands to temporarily modify the configuration without losing configuration information in the bridge memory. The ASRT> prompt is displayed for all ASRT monitoring commands.

Monitoring and dynamic reconfiguration VLANS commands are entered at the VLAN> monitoring prompt. The VLAN> command is accessed by entering the VLANS command explained later in this chapter.
Note:For commands requiring you to enter MAC Addresses, the addresses can be entered in the following formats:
IEEE 802 canonical bit order
IEEE 802 canonical bit order (shorthand format)

Table 54 shows the ASRT monitoring commands.

Table 54. ASRT Monitoring Commands Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds permanent (static) address entries to the bridging device's permanent database. 
 Cache   Displays cache entries for a specified port. 
 Delete   Deletes MAC addresses entries from the bridging device database. 
 Flip   Flips MAC address from canonical to 802.5 (noncanonical or IBM) bit order. 
 List   Displays information about the complete bridge configuration or about selected configuration options. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the add command to add static address entries and destination address filters to the bridging device's database. These additions to the database are lost when you restart the device.



static-entry mac_address input_port [output_ports]
Adds static address entries to the bridging device's permanent database. Enter the command followed by the MAC address of the static entry and the input port number (an optional output port number may also be entered). To create a static entry with multiple port maps (1 per input port), use this command several times.

Example: add static-entry

            MAC address [00-00-00-00-00-00]?  400000012345
            Input port, 0 for all [0]? 2
            Output port, 0 for none [0]? 3
            Output port, 0 to end [0]?


Use the cache command to display the contents of a selected bridging-port routing cache. If the port does not possess a cache you will see the message Port X does not have a cache.


cache port#

Example: cache

            Port number [1]? 3
            MAC Address    MC*   Entry Type       Age  Port(s)
            00-00-93-00-C0-D0   PERMANENT          0  3 (TKR/1)
            00-00-00-11-22-33   STATIC             0  3 (TKR/1)

MAC Address
6-byte MAC address of the entry.

Entry Type
Specifies one of the following address entry types:

Reserved - entries reserved by the IEEE 802.1d Standard.

Registered - entries consist of unicast addresses belonging to proprietary communications hardware attached to the box or multicast addresses enabled by protocol forwarders.

Permanent - entries entered by the user in the configuration process which survive power on/offs or system resets.

Static - entries entered by the user in the monitoring process which do not survive power on/offs or system resets and are not effected by the aging timer.

Dynamic - entries "learned" by the bridge "dynamically" which do not survive power on/offs or system resets and which have an "age" associated with the entry.

Free - locations in database that are free to be filled by address entries.

Unknown - entry types unknown to the bridge. May be possible bugs and/or illegal addresses.

Age in seconds of each dynamic entry. Age is decremented at each resolution intervals.

Specifies the port number associated with that entry and displays the interface name (this will always be that of the interface having the cache).


Use the delete command to delete station (including MAC) address entries from the device's permanent database.


delete mac-address

Example: delete 00-00-93-10-04-15


Use the flip command to view specific MAC addresses in the canonical and noncanonical format by "flipping" the address bit order. This command is useful for translating IEEE 802.5 addresses in their typical noncanonical format to the canonical format universally used by the bridge monitoring and ELS (and vice versa).


flip MAC-address

Example: flip

            MAC address [00-00-00-00-00-00]? 00-00-00-33-44-55
            IEEE 802 canonical bit order:    00-00-00-33-44-55
            IBM Token-Ring native bit order: 00:00:00:CC:22:AA


Use the list command to display information about the bridging device configuration or to display information about selected configuration or bridging options.


bridge . . .
database . . .
filtering . . .
spanning-tree-protocol . . .
transparent . . .

Lists all general information regarding the bridge device configuration.
list bridge

Displays information about only the active bridge devices.

Displays information about all bridge devices.

Example: list bridge active

Bridge ID
Unique ID used by the spanning tree algorithm in determining the spanning tree. Each bridge in the network is assigned a unique bridge identifier. The bridge priority is displayed in decimal followed by the hex address.

Bridge State
Indicates whether bridging is enabled or disabled.

Bridge Type
Displays the configured bridge type. This is displayed as NONE, TB, or ASRT.

Number of Ports
Displays the number of ports configured for that bridge.

Specifies a user defined number assigned to an interface by the add port command.

Identifies devices connected to a network segment through the bridge.

Indicates the current state of the port. This is displayed as UP or DOWN.

MAC address
Displays the MAC address associated with that port in canonical bit order.

Displays the bridging mode for that port. T indicates transparent bridging. SR indicates source routing. A indicates adaptive bridging.

Specifies the maximum frame (data unit) size (including the MAC header but not the FCS field) the bridge can transmit and receive on this interface.

Displays the source routing bridge segment number assigned to that port (if any).

database datagroup-option
Lists the contents of transparent filtering databases. There are a number of datagroups which can be chosen to be displayed under the list database command. These include the following:

The following examples break down the list database command options. The first example also shows the related output.

Example: list database all

Note:The following fields are displayed for all of the list database command options.

MAC Address
Specifies the address entry in 12-digit hex format (canonical bit order).

An asterisk following an address entry indicates that the entry has been flagged as a multicast address.

Entry Type
Specifies one of the following types:

Entries reserved by the IEEE 802.1d standard.

Entries consist of unicast addresses belonging to interfaces participating in the bridge or multicast addresses enabled by protocol forwarders

Entries entered by the user in the configuration process which survive power on/offs or system resets

Entries entered by the user in the monitoring process which do not survive power on/offs or system resets and are ageless.

Entries "learned" by the bridge "dynamically" which do not survive power on/offs or system resets and which have an "age" associated with the entry

This type is not used and should not be normally be seen except in occasional "race" conditions between the monitoring and the bridge.

Unknown entry type. May indicate a software bug. Report the hex entry type to Customer Service.

filtering datagroup-option
Displays general information about the bridge's protocol filtering databases. There are a number of general datagroups which may be displayed under the list filtering command. These include the following:

The following examples break down each of the list filtering display options.

Example: list filtering all

             Ethernet type 0800 is routed on ports 1
             IEEE 802.2 destination SAP 42 is routed on ports 1
             IEEE 802 SNAP PID 00-00-00-08-00 is routed on ports 2-3

Descriptors used in explaining how packets are communicated include the following:

All of the descriptors just explained also apply to ARP packets with this Ethertype.

Example: list filtering ethertype

             Ethernet type (in hexadecimal), 0 for all [0]? 0800
             Ethernet type 0800 is routed on ports 1

Example: list filtering SAP

             SAP (in hexadecimal), 100 for all [100]? 42
             IEEE 802.2 destination SAP 42 is routed on ports 1

Example: list filtering SNAP

             SNAP Protocol ID, return for all [00-00-00-00-00]?
             IEEE 802 SNAP PID 00-00-00-08-00 is routed on ports 2-3

port port#
Displays port information.

Example: list port

Port Id (dec)    : 128: 3, (hex): 80-03
Port State       : Forwarding
STP Participation: Enabled
Port Supports    : Transparent Bridging Only
Assoc Interface #/name : 5/Eth/1

Specifies a user defined number assigned to an interface by the add port command.

Identifies devices connected to a network segment through the bridge.

Indicates the current state of the port. This is displayed as UP or DOWN.

MAC address
Displays the MAC address associated with that port in canonical bit order.

Displays the bridging mode for that port. T indicates transparent bridging. SR indicates source routing. A indicates adaptive bridging.

Specifies the maximum frame (data unit) size (including the MAC header but not the FCS field) the bridge can transmit and receive on this interface.

Displays the source routing bridge segment number assigned to that port (if any).

spanning-tree protocol datagroup-option

Displays the status of the transparent bridging function.

Dynamic Protocol Filtering (VLANS)

The VLAN monitoring commands are a superset of the VLAN configuration commands. However, instead of updating the SRAM configuration records immediately, they change the behavior of VLANs in real-time. Changes made through the monitoring can be optionally saved to SRAM. Also, the configuration in SRAM can be loaded and used without requiring a reboot.

Monitoring commands for the ASRT bridge are entered at the ASRT VLAN> prompt. This prompt is accessed by entering the vlans command at the ASRT> prompt. The following table shows the VLAN monitoring commands.

Table 55. VLAN Monitoring Command Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds the definition of a new VLAN filter 
 Change   Changes VLAN filtering parameters for an indicated VLAN 
 Delete   Deletes the selected VLAN filters 
 Disable   Disables VLAN filtering on the selected VLANs 
 Enable   Enables VLAN filtering on the selected VLANs 
 List   Displays all information associated with the selected VLAN filters 
 Load   Loads and uses the VLAN configuration currently in SRAM 
 Reset-Counters   Resets all counters associated with the selected VLAN filters 
 Save   Saves the current runtime configuration to SRAM 
 Show-members   Displays learned MAC addresses for a selected VLAN 
 Show-vlans   Lists the enabled VLANs of which a particular MAC address is a member 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

For a description of the Add, Change, Delete, Disable, and Enable commands, see "Dynamic Protocol Filtering (VLANS) Configuration Commands".

Use the list command to list the current real-time configuration for a particular VLAN filter, all VLAN filters of a particular type, or all defined VLAN filters. If listing a single filter, the VLAN to list can be chosen by selecting the VLAN from a list with the by-name option. The resulting output includes both configuration parameters and VLAN counters.



ip all

ip subnet subnet address

ip-multicast all

ip-multicast by-name

ipx all

ipx network network number


sliding-window all

sliding-window by-name



 vlans config>list ip subnet
    Subnet Address              =
    Subnet Mask                 =
    Port 1 (Interface 0) = Auto-Detect and Include, Forwarding
    Port 2 (Interface 1) = Always Exclude,          Not Forwarding
    Age (expiration in minutes) = 300
    IP-Cut-Through Status:
       Tx From This VLAN    = Enabled  Reception By This VLAN = Disabled
       Packets Transmitted  = 25       Packets Received       = 0
       Tx Packets Discarded = 0        Rx Packets Discarded   = 14
    Tracking of MAC Addresses  = Disabled
    VLAN Status                = Enabled
    Packets Processed          = 43
    Discards Due To Exclusion  = 13
    VLAN Name                   = IP 9.x.x.x

A description of the VLAN counters follows:

Packets Transmitted
Total number of IP packets successfully cut through from this VLAN.

Packets Received
Total number of IP packets successfully cut through to this VLAN.

Tx Packets Discarded
Number of IP packets that were intended to be cut through from this VLAN, but were discarded due to IP-Cut-Through transmission being disabled. Packets from ports configured as Always Exclude are not included in this count.

Rx Packets Discarded
Number of IP packets that were intended to be cut-through to this VLAN, but were discarded due to IP-Cut-Through reception being disabled.

Packets Processed
Total number of packets processed by this VLAN's forwarding logic. This includes all packets forwarded and discarded. For IP Multicast VLANs, this number includes IGMP Reports and matching IP Multicast frames. For the IP Multicast auto-creation VLAN (group, this counter indicates the number of received IGMP Query packets from multicast devices.

Discards Due To Exclusion
Number of packets received matching this VLAN on ports configured as Always Exclude for this VLAN.

Use the load command to load and immediately use the VLAN configuration stored in SRAM. This will overwrite any configuration changes that may have been made via monitoring since the last save. All timers and counters associated with VLANs will be reset.

Syntax: load

Example: load

     Warning: This process will overwrite your current configuration.
     Are you sure you want to load the VLAN configuration from SRAM? [No] y
     VLAN configuration loaded

Use the reset-counters command to set all counters to zero for a particular VLAN filter, all VLAN filters for a particular protocol, or all defined VLAN filters. If you are resetting the counters in a single filter, you can choose the VLAN by specifying the subnet or by selecting the VLAN from a list with the by-name option.


ip all
ip subnet subnet address
ip-multicast all
ip-multicast by-name
ipx all
ipx network network number
sliding-window all
sliding-window by-name

Example: reset ipx network 3ff

                 VLAN 'Ethernet B' (IPX Network 0x3FF) counters reset

Use the save command to store the current runtime VLAN configuration into SRAM. This will overwrite the current SRAM configuration. This command does not affect the runtime behavior of VLANs or reset the timers or counters associated with VLANs.

Syntax: save

Example: save

     Are you sure you want to save the VLAN configuration to SRAM? [No] y
     VLAN configuration saved

Use the show-members command to display all the learned MAC addresses for a particular VLAN that has MAC Address Tracking enabled. Addresses in this list have all transmitted broadcast frames within the configured aging time. The MAC addresses will be displayed along with the associated bridge port and interface and can be sorted by bridge port or increasing MAC address.


ip subnet-address
ipx network-number

Example: show-members ip

   Subnet Address []?
           Sort VLAN Members by Port (P) or Mac Address (M) [P]?
           Port Number to Show Membership (0=All) [O]?
           Current Members of Runtime VLAN 'IP 9.x.x.x' (IP Subnet
              Port  1 (Interface  0),  Mac Address: 10.00.5A.00.64.00
              Port  2 (Interface  1),  Mac Address: 10.00.5A.00.65.00

Use the show-vlans command to display all the enabled VLANs in which traffic from a particular MAC address has been observed since the last aging timer expiration.


Example: show-vlans

   Enter Mac Address in Hex: []? 10005A006400
           List of VLANS with Mac Address 10.00.5A.00.64.00:
                 VLAN Type    Identifier             VLAN Name
                 =========    ==========             =========
             (1) IP                 IP 9.x.x.x

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